A disaster preparedness consultant can help a business protect its most powerful asset: its data

How a disaster preparedness consultant can assist a small business with virtual servers

In past generations, small businesses were forced to procure expensive and bulky hardware that was rather rigid in the amount of data that could be held. Consequently, it was often the case that either a small business was forced to pay for all kinds of extra space that would sit around collecting dust, or otherwise have to go through a stressful process of procuring additional hardware if there wasn't enough space.

However, with virtualization, this issue is not so problematic. Virtualization is the process of deploying digital versions of things like hardware, servers and storage space that formerly only existed in tangible, hard form. Consequently, by adopting virtual versions of these items, upfront costs are lower and the system can be scaled upwards or downwards at any given time to meet the precise storage needs of the company at that exact moment.

As such, it is not terribly surprising that the Disaster Recovery Index – a measure generated by surveying 6,000 IT professionals worldwide – found that virtual server adoption amongst small businesses is forecasted to grow by over 20 percent by the end of 2012.

Yet, that statistic is coupled with the fact that many small businesses do not seem to be taking the same data precautions with their virtual servers as physical ones. For example, the Index found that only 37 percent of the polled respondents backed up their virtual servers daily and that only just over 30 percent backed up virtual servers with the same frequency as physical ones.

Additionally, only just over 20 percent had an offsite data backup plan.

In order to prevent the significant consequences that manifest when a data loss occurs, it would be wise for small businesses that are utilizing virtual servers to deploy the services of a disaster preparedness consultant. Not only can these professionals help a small business facilitate superior data backup and recovery, but also negotiate the best price possible on a remotely located hot site that stores the full scope of a company's data. Taking this measure will enable a small business to get right back on track at a new location should an emergency hinder performance at a primary site.