Upgrading to any new systems or infrastructure can be a trying time for an organization, with the potential for mistakes being a threat to business continuity akin to a natural disaster.
Upgrading to any new systems or infrastructure can be a trying time for an organization, with the potential for mistakes being a threat to business continuity akin to a natural disaster.
A business impact analysis for a potential disaster is a key part of proper preparation and planning, but many companies make the mistake of not going far enough with their assessment.
Disaster recovery is a critical part of business continuity planning, but some experts note that the latter needs to come before a firm invests in disaster recovery technology.
Business continuity planning relies on careful consideration of the risks a company might face and the minimal required effort to avoid or overcome them.
A company needs to put a disaster recover plan in place to protect its assets and revenue stream, but many firms find that their business continuity planning has an impact on the community around them as well.
As part of its ongoing initiative to improve disaster response and recovery throughout the United States, the American Red Cross is working to promote continuity of operations planning, as well as its own Ready Rating program.
Natural and manmade disasters are presenting new and complex risks for businesses every year, and more experts are calling out for advanced disaster recovery planning.
There are many benefits to introducing a mobility strategy and migrating to mobile devices for general employee communications, but one of the most valuable in the long run is improvement to business continuity planning.
It may not seem like a big deal, but one key flaw in a business continuity plan can lie in third-party service providers, particularly with regard to IT services.
Rather than relying on FEMA to get you back up and running, make sure you have a clear continuity of operations plan to do the job.