Trump Hotel hack shows the need for a strong disaster recovery plan.
Trump Hotel hack shows the need for a strong disaster recovery plan.
A data breach at Hilton Hotels shows the importance of including third-party vendors in a business continuity plan.
Here are four suggestions to consider when adding allowing employee remote access this winter.
The Kardashians almost leaked valuable customer data, but thanks to a benevolent user, the information was secured.
Almost two years later, Target is still dealing with the fallout from this massive hack.
Mohu suffer’s data breach, losing the information of 2,500 customers in under two months.
A hack exposes the personal information of students at eight Cal State campuses.
Disaster Recovery Journal’s Fall World 2015 Conference: 9/27-9/30 Find Ted Brown at Booth #406 on 9/27-9/29 Monday, 9/28, Ted Brown will hold two demo sessions in the Aqua room: 12:30-1:30pm: Now You Know The Rest Of The Story Consequence Management is a critical portion of every crisis event. You see the publicity regardingwhat went wrong but you rarely get to learn […]
Online comics and games retailer suffers data breach affecting nine affiliate websites.
The information of about 100,000 customers were compromised in a data breach.