Even the most seemingly docile industries can be subject to tragedy, necessitating a regularly updated business continuity plan that addresses action protocols for violent situations.
Even the most seemingly docile industries can be subject to tragedy, necessitating a regularly updated business continuity plan that addresses action protocols for violent situations.
Certain states may benefit from budgeting assistance, which could be derived by deploying the services of a certified disaster preparedness consultant.
Illustrating the importance of disaster planning, citizens in Oklahoma gathered for an event entitled, “A Day Without Business: A Business Continuity Summit,” to help diminish the negative impact of lackluster preparedness initiatives.
From March 18 to 24 in Indiana, the general Severe Weather Awareness Week will be observed to enhance preparedness for harsh weather conditions typically occurring in the spring and summer seasons.
When municipalities are engaged in continuity of operations planning, it is extremely important to ensure that resources related to disaster preparedness and recovery are available to all members of the community.
School administrators need to factor in preparedness provisions for a violent incident in the case that a teacher or student loses touch with his or her better judgement and does something rash.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is collaborating with the Corporation for National and Community Services to facilitate a new sub-unit within the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corp.
With the 2012 summer Olympics drawing nearer to its July 27 start date, it will be necessary for all organizations in close proximity to London to the event to ramp up their business continuity planning accordingly.
Natural disasters remind business officials how important is to be prepared to address emergency circumstances well before they happen, as there will likely be a lag between the event’s occurrence and formally mobilized assistance.
Despite a municipality’s best efforts, its citizens may not be adequately prepared for an emergency.