KETCHConsulting recently became the first pure BCP Consulting Firm to be inducted into the Contingency Planning and Management BCP Hall of Fame.
“I first met KETCHConsulting just one year ago. It was my first day on the job. I was asked to organize a Business Continuity Program from ground zero. In the ensuing year, we’ve made tremendous progress, with support from KETCHConsulting. We completed a corporate BIA, are modifying our DR capabilities, identified and are outfitting a major corporate recovery site, and are in the process of developing plans for all our major businesses and senior executives. With KETCHConsulting’s support, we have effectively convinced our management this is not a one-year crash effort, but a sustained, ongoing program. While there is still much to do, we’re proud of what’s been accomplished with KETCHConsulting’s support.”
– excerpt from a client’s speech at the Contingency Planning and Management BCP Hall of Fame Ceremony