Data breaches can occur at any moment, but business continuity consultants can develop strong recovery...
A majority of tax professionals are unfamiliar of the dangers of cyber attacks like data...
Network failure and natural disasters are two reasons why businesses and towns should establish a plan for emergencies.
Five men were responsible for one of the largest data breaches the U.
The United States’ second-largest health insurance provider put over 600,000 customers at risk between 2009...
Keeping an updated business continuity plan will ensure that all staff members will know what to do during emergencies.
California’s Attorney General released a statement on Monday explaining the extent of the state’s data...
Sutter Health, a network of 30 hospitals and offices in California experienced its third data breach since 2011.
Strong disaster recovery planning can help businesses bounce back from a data breach.
The Washington state Administrative Office of the Courts experienced a data breach, when hackers broke...