Many New York residents claim that the mayor's potential soda ban is overreaching his rule, and that they have a right to make their own personal choices.

Potential soda ban irks New Yorkers

In less than three weeks, New York will decide whether or not Mayor Michael Bloomberg's soda ban will go into effect. Many state residents, though, are unhappy about the proposal and have not been shy in voicing their opinions.

Set to be approved on September 13, the plan will prohibit sales of large sugary drinks in city restaurants, stadiums and movie theaters.

"The ban is at the point where it is an infringement of civil liberties," Liz Hare, a scientific researcher in Queens, said to the New York Times. "There are many other things that people do that aren't healthy, so I think it's a big overreach."

The newspaper conducted a poll and found that 6 in 10 residents said the mayor's soda plan was a bad idea, while 36 percent called it a good idea. Also, half of New York residents said that they drink at least one soda a week while one-third gulp down several.

Bloomberg's proposal has added more fuel to the fire in the debate over soaring obesity rates. While many state residents admit that there are potential health benefits, those in opposition claim that the mayor is overreaching his rule and that consumers have a right to make their own personal choices.

The American Beverage Association reiterates that there is little correlation between obesity and soft drinks, according to the news source. If Bloomberg's plan is approved, though, the organization could lose millions of dollars in revenue.

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