Hurricane Isaac forced organizers of the Republican National Convention to make last minute schedule changes to ensure that a schedule was maintained while keeping individual's safety a top priority.

Hurricane Isaac forces GOP convention schedule change

Over the weekend, the decision was made to push the Republican National Convention back by one day, in preparation for Hurricane Isaac reaching land. On the seventh anniversary of when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, Isaac is on course to follow in the previous storm's path. However, Isaac was still just a Category 1 hurricane by the middle of this week, while Katrina was a Category 3 when it swept across the Gulf Coast.

With the new schedule set for the Florida-based convention, GOP officials said that there were certain speakers that would need to be let go, but for the most part, the gathering will go as planned.

According to CNN, convention organizers told reporters that they are not considering a Friday session, but that they plan to keep an eye on the weather, and if something again needs to change they will keep everyone posted.

Party chairman Reince Preibus told the Associated Press that he still thinks the GOP will have a great week even with Hurricane Isaac making its way down the Gulf Coast.

"Obviously we want to pray for anyone that's in the pathway of this storm," Priebus said Monday on NBC's 'Today' show, "but the message is still the same: that all Americans deserve a better future and that this president … didn't keep the promises he made in 2008."

Any business or organization that wants to hold a large event, like the Republican National Convention, would be wise to pair with a firm specializing in disaster recovery consulting. This way, if severe weather happens, the event can still occur, but possibly at a later date or located at a hot site.

Either way, it's important to keep the safety of customers, organization members and employees a top priority. These professionals will find a way to do that and keep the event set to run.