A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is a necessity for all businesses as they become more reliant on digital storage.

Study: Companies uncertain about virtual backup and recovery tools

Oftentimes, a problem is only realized after it has occurred. When it comes to disaster recovery, though, businesses cannot wait until after the fact to keep themselves protected. Especially with computer systems evolving at an increasingly fast pace, companies must ensure that their security measures are also up-to-date.

Quick business resumption is not only cost-effective, but it proves to customers that an organization is reliable. Working with business continuity consultants can help companies across numerous industries find ways to integrate new systems while still keeping sensitive data secure.

A recent survey from virtualization and backup specialist Veeam Software found that with virtualized infrastructure growing, 68 percent of CIOs feel that their backup and recovery tools will become less effective as the amount of data and servers in their organization grows.

Out of the 500 CIOs interviewed, their responses showed that every hour of downtime costs an enterprise $324,793. With recovery taking anywhere from five to six hours, on average then, downtime is costing organizations at least $1.6 million per incident. 

Veeam president and CEO Ratmir Timashev said in a statement that the IT infrastructure will only continue to grow, but organizations are not updating their data and protection tools at the same pace.

"Virtualization is reaching a turning point," Timashev said. "Organizations have realized the benefits that the technology can bring on its own: now they are beginning to find out what it is truly capable of when managed and applied correctly. Modern data protection tools, specifically built for virtualization, can unlock this potential as well as eliminate many of the capability, complexity and cost issues IT departments face."

Ideally, a data breach will never occur. However, businesses must have a disaster recovery plan in place to help keep them profitable in the off chance that a security issue does take place.