Risk Assessments – Visual, Statistical & Business Risks

presented by Morris Davis, CBCP, National Practice Leader, KETCHConsulting, Harvey Betan, CBCP, CBCV, MBCI, Senior Consultant, KETCHConsulting, and Ted Brown, CBCP, CBCV, President and CEO, KETCHConsulting, and Member of the CPM Hall of Fame.

KETCHConsulting executes three types of Risk Assessments. The first is the traditional or visual Risk Assessment where we analyze the risks to our clients by visually examining the physical structure, looking for vulnerabilities ad single points of failure. The second is the Statistical Risk Assessment where we analyze the statistical odds of any one of over 100 disaster events occurring. This combined with a BIA yields the financial exposure to an organization. The last is the Business Risk Assessment where we supply the tools or help you to determine the risks to your supply chain from your vendors. The results of any or all of these will help you to justify BCP Expenditures in a Down Economy.